7th NewsEXPRESS Article
8:02 PM at 8:02 PM Filed under: Author:by LEX Tupas
Political Realities
Public service has always been my passion since I was a child. Many have never thought I would end up as a public servant, including some members of my family, because I was not quite vocal of my interest back then and I was too shy to speak in front of a lot of people. Fast forward to 2005 when I felt that I truly had this burning desire to serve Iloilo City and that I was willing to face anything that was thrown against me, my family and friends slowly but surely saw me in a different light. My family and friends saw the potential in me and believed in my capability and capacity to serve Iloilo City as I ran in Iloilo City which was not considered a bailiwick, and none of the members of my family and friends could vote for me. After seven months in office and a very taxing two month campaign, I have been faced with some realities in politics.
Abi ko sang una nga ang pagkaabyanan, separar sa politika kag indi ini makaapekto sa pagtamdanay. Sa mga naagyan ko nga eksperyensya, budlay makapangita sang tuod nga mga amigo kag abyan sa politika. Narealisar ko nga ang pagkatuod kag pagkamaayu sang isa ka tawo sa iban, apisar sang mga pangguba kag pag-ubra ubra storya dapat pagasigihun para mapakita ta sa kadam-an ang kaayu sang isa ka tawo, apisar nga ara ta sa politika.
For the past few weeks, a lot of big events have hugged the media headlines. On the international level, the US Presidential Primaries have gotten my attention and interest. Apparently, people there are more focused on issues rather than on personality. It is quite interesting to note that even if someone does not have national prominence initially can be given the opportunity to prove his/her worth for a particular position he/she is interested to run for. It seems that it does not matter who came first or who has served the longest but it would be more of, who has done the best in the time he/she was entrusted with a particular authority. On another note, it is also noticeable that the candidates there do a lot of hard hitting strategies to discredit another but are still able to remain in one political party. On a national level, a lot of us were glued to our TV sets or radios as we watched and listened to the events unfold in the battle for House Speakership. In that instance, it looks like there were changes in affiliations taking place, for one reason or another. Truly, nothing is permanent in politics.
Bilang pinakalamharun nga gapanerbisyo sa Syudad sang Iloilo, gapati ako nga dala ko gihapon ang idealismo, enerhiya kag pagiging dynamiko sang pamatan-on kag kabataang Ilonggo. Apisar sng mga realidad sa politika nga akun naeksperyensyahan o naatubang, indi ini maging rason nga madula-an ako gana sa pagpanindugan para sa husto, maayu kag tama nga pang-gobyerno. Sa nahambal pirmi, ang pamatan-on o kabataan ang puturo sang atun nasyon. Tani kita ang magasilbi nga makadala sang pagbag-o kag bugayang nga kaayuhan sa atun nga komunidad.
Realities are actualities. It reveals what is truly happening. Some people say there is a reality in politics that there are few genuine people and real friends that can be found and kept. Maybe such is true, but let us continue to hope and believe that there will always be real people and true friends in a profession which seems to lack such, just like in politics.
Ang akun handum kag panindugan nga bisan anu kadugay gusto sang pumuluyo sang Syudad sang Iloilo nga ako magserbisyo publiko, wala kita galain, bisan anu pa nga titulo ang ara sa atubang kag ulihi sang atun nga ngalan. Ang posisyon nga ini pahulam lang sa akun bangud sang pagsalig sang pumuluyo. Indi ko gid pagkalimtan nga kung wala ang mga tawo, wala man ako sa kung anu nga posisyon may ara ako.
Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.
For comments and/or suggestions, email councilorlextupas@yahoo.com. This also serves as the email used in my account in www.friendster.com.
Political Realities
Public service has always been my passion since I was a child. Many have never thought I would end up as a public servant, including some members of my family, because I was not quite vocal of my interest back then and I was too shy to speak in front of a lot of people. Fast forward to 2005 when I felt that I truly had this burning desire to serve Iloilo City and that I was willing to face anything that was thrown against me, my family and friends slowly but surely saw me in a different light. My family and friends saw the potential in me and believed in my capability and capacity to serve Iloilo City as I ran in Iloilo City which was not considered a bailiwick, and none of the members of my family and friends could vote for me. After seven months in office and a very taxing two month campaign, I have been faced with some realities in politics.
Abi ko sang una nga ang pagkaabyanan, separar sa politika kag indi ini makaapekto sa pagtamdanay. Sa mga naagyan ko nga eksperyensya, budlay makapangita sang tuod nga mga amigo kag abyan sa politika. Narealisar ko nga ang pagkatuod kag pagkamaayu sang isa ka tawo sa iban, apisar sang mga pangguba kag pag-ubra ubra storya dapat pagasigihun para mapakita ta sa kadam-an ang kaayu sang isa ka tawo, apisar nga ara ta sa politika.
For the past few weeks, a lot of big events have hugged the media headlines. On the international level, the US Presidential Primaries have gotten my attention and interest. Apparently, people there are more focused on issues rather than on personality. It is quite interesting to note that even if someone does not have national prominence initially can be given the opportunity to prove his/her worth for a particular position he/she is interested to run for. It seems that it does not matter who came first or who has served the longest but it would be more of, who has done the best in the time he/she was entrusted with a particular authority. On another note, it is also noticeable that the candidates there do a lot of hard hitting strategies to discredit another but are still able to remain in one political party. On a national level, a lot of us were glued to our TV sets or radios as we watched and listened to the events unfold in the battle for House Speakership. In that instance, it looks like there were changes in affiliations taking place, for one reason or another. Truly, nothing is permanent in politics.
Bilang pinakalamharun nga gapanerbisyo sa Syudad sang Iloilo, gapati ako nga dala ko gihapon ang idealismo, enerhiya kag pagiging dynamiko sang pamatan-on kag kabataang Ilonggo. Apisar sng mga realidad sa politika nga akun naeksperyensyahan o naatubang, indi ini maging rason nga madula-an ako gana sa pagpanindugan para sa husto, maayu kag tama nga pang-gobyerno. Sa nahambal pirmi, ang pamatan-on o kabataan ang puturo sang atun nasyon. Tani kita ang magasilbi nga makadala sang pagbag-o kag bugayang nga kaayuhan sa atun nga komunidad.
Realities are actualities. It reveals what is truly happening. Some people say there is a reality in politics that there are few genuine people and real friends that can be found and kept. Maybe such is true, but let us continue to hope and believe that there will always be real people and true friends in a profession which seems to lack such, just like in politics.
Ang akun handum kag panindugan nga bisan anu kadugay gusto sang pumuluyo sang Syudad sang Iloilo nga ako magserbisyo publiko, wala kita galain, bisan anu pa nga titulo ang ara sa atubang kag ulihi sang atun nga ngalan. Ang posisyon nga ini pahulam lang sa akun bangud sang pagsalig sang pumuluyo. Indi ko gid pagkalimtan nga kung wala ang mga tawo, wala man ako sa kung anu nga posisyon may ara ako.
Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.
For comments and/or suggestions, email councilorlextupas@yahoo.com. This also serves as the email used in my account in www.friendster.com.

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