Genuine Love for Country
9:53 PM at 9:53 PM Filed under: Author:August 14, 2009
Love is defined by Microsoft Thesaurus as feeling affection for, devoted to a person, care for, be fond of, adore someone, and be dear to one’s heart.
Most of us understand the concept of love as a feeling for a special someone, our parents, siblings, family and friends. To a select few, it goes beyond our closest circle and reaches communities, cities, provinces, and the country. It is about other people we don’t even know that much. It is about thinking of how to make things better for them. It is about thinking of them first before ourselves. It is about thinking of the best interest of others and the community.
A genuine love for country was greatly felt with President Cory’s ascendancy to power when Senator Ninoy Aquino was assassinated. It was also seen when President Cory became Citizen Cory that even in her political retirement her service to the Filipinos went beyond holding political office. It was again seen in her influence and effect to the Filipinos when she recently passed away. Truly, she leads us and guides us even in death.
I am more inspired to do well and serve the people of Iloilo City with her great leadership example. Thank you Pres. Cory. The gratitude will always be present.
As what I usually say as my battle cry or my usual spiel, Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.