Nature Lover
10:07 PM at 10:07 PM Filed under: Author:May 31, 2009
Who isn’t amazed of the creatures that roam and swim the Earth? Who isn’t fascinated about seeing the sun set, the sun rise, marine life, the forests, and the like?
God has given us a beautiful abode. It has also given us a lot of things to enjoy.
In my case, ever since I was a toddler, I enjoy taking care of pets. I have dogs and fishes. I also like plants especially bonsai plants. For fishes, I started putting them in plastic containers, until I had cement ponds and then to fish bowls until my various sizes of aquariums. Some couldn’t understand my amazement of fishes since there is no physical contact with fishes but it is said to make one relaxed just seeing them swim and move. As for dogs, I like it but the problem with its waste makes me opt for fishes than dogs. I was told by a friend who works in the medical profession that aquarium fishes serves as a therapy to make one calm, collected and relaxed. Furthermore, I was told before when I was a kid that taking care of animals and plants makes one live longer. I also believe that it trains a person to be responsible since having pets and plants needs some taking care of.
Let us protect our natural resources. Let us love mother nature. Taking care of pets and plants are surely better hobbies than things or other hobbies that might be detrimental to our health and life.
Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.