Count Your Blessings
8:09 AM at 8:09 AM Filed under: Author:In our apparently stressful, competitive and demanding world, we experience disappointments, refusals, betrayals, envy and inadequacy. This might lead to boredom, depression or sadness. Well, I would like to believe everyone experiences such so as to appreciate success, approvals, sincerity, happiness and security. Before we compare ourselves to others or think of what we weren’t able to accomplish or have, let us know what we have, appreciate the things we were blessed with and to count our blessings.
I am blessed and thankful to have been trained by the schools I went to and to the family I belong in to always appreciate what I have. I was also taught that humility is a sign of security, selflessness and of being good-natured. Furthermore, I was told that life isn’t a competition but rather it is about how one can be a productive member of the society and that life should be about unity and working hand in hand for a better community. It might be a dream to work for a perfect society but as they say it won’t hurt if we work for a high goal so that if we won’t be able to hit the mark at least we tried and hopefully we reached something close to it.
In life they say, to appreciate what we have and to recognize such it is best that we count our blessings and for this article I would like to count mine and to share with you how grateful and humbled I am with such and in no particular order.
- I am blessed to be born to and part of the Causing-Tupas families.
- I am thankful to have very supportive and loving parents who gave me the leeway to make appropriate and mature decisions in my life.
- I am glad to have siblings, relatives and real friends who I can count on most of the time.
- I am privileged and humbled to be part of the schools that taught me to be a man for others and have equipped me with the knowledge and training that have made me reach for my dreams. Thank you Montessori, La Salle Green Hills as Consistent Honor Student and Honors’ Class President, Ateneo De Manila Univeristy for my AB Economics Degree (Dean’s Lister) and for being Student Council Officer, UP Diliman for my MA in Public Management major in Local Government Administration, Asian Institute of Management for my Basic Management and for the Best Integration Award and Central Philippine University for my Doctor of Management with concentration in Public Management degree.
- I am grateful for the opportunities of developing my leadership skills in the local and international scenes. I was chosen as Philippine China Youth Ambassador that went to various cities in China, delegate to the young political leaders summit in Denmark, observer of the local elections in Taipei and Kaohsiung, participant of the Running Successful Political Campaign Seminar in Indonesia, delegate participant of the United Nations Seminar on Human Rights in the United States of America, Kabataang Liberal Seminars and Training programs in various parts of the country being the National Executive Vice President and former National President for Students, Philippine Councilor’s League and the National Movement for Young Legislators Seminars in various parts of the country, and as Student Council Officer since my high school to college days.
- I am privileged and honored to have the strong support of Iloilo City and for its warm welcome when I transferred my residency. Also, for supporting my stint as a media personality as TV Host, Radio Anchor and Newspaper Columnist and for giving me the chance to mold young minds and for being ranked number 1 teacher of Iloilo National High School and for having the opportunities to teach in various private schools and universities. Most of all, for trusting a simple, young man who has a vision for the City as Ilonggos made me the youngest City Councilor at age 27 in my first run against all odds and for making me number 1 City Councilor with more or less 93,000 votes in my re-election. Thank You City of Love. I will continue to make sure I give excellent public service. Furthermore, I am blessed to be given the Dangal ng Pilipinas Award for City Legislative Excellence.
- I am blessed with a very pretty, sexy, sweet, conservative, religious, pure, compassionate and supportive wife who comes from a good family and who is a Medical Doctor. I am also glad to have great in laws who have warmly welcomed me and who are always there for me and my wife.
- I am blessed and grateful to be an expectant father and excited to have my own kid and to work hard to become a great dad.
- I am overwhelmed to have the strong support of my Ninongs and Ninangs from all places of society and from my real friends in the political arena and in the various organizations I am part of.
- I am glad to work with my staff who shares the same commitment and visions for the City that I have.
I am sure each one of us has his or her list of blessings that we are thankful of. I am sure each one of you after you list your blessings would be glad for what we have and for what was given to us. Before we look at what others have and what we failed to have, let us know and appreciate the things we do have. Most of it are priceless which makes us truly smile and happy. Thus, when we feel that we lack or lost something, it might be best to count our blessings and thank God for his love and mercy. To God be the glory.