Mark of Excellence
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Served as witness together with the City Mayor in the donation of a US Based Filipino American Organization to the Friends of Kids with Cancer Organization. The money will be used for the chemotherapy and other medical needs of the kids with cancer.
September 3, 2009
I never go for passing or just acceptable. It’s not my style.
Would you want to be someone who’s just like everyone else and blend in or who stands out?
There is nothing wrong with hard work, perseverance, going for the best and perfection. Nothing might be perfect but as we try to reach it, at least, we come near it.
I’m sure some of us are impressed with those who go beyond what is expected. In marketing, it is about delighting the customer. It is about having things unexpected and being glad that the customer was well taken care of and thought of. Who wouldn’t want to feel special, important or pampered as a customer?
We admire and recognize the excellent. We even try to imitate it and find a way to know best practices.
Let us all work to go beyond our limitations. As they say in our local dialect, “Indi pwede and pwede lang. Masmaayu ang kampyon kag astig.”
As what I usually say as my battle cry or my usual spiel, Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.