7:10 PM at 7:10 PM Filed under: Author:Never Again...The tragedy that happened June of last year due to the devastation brought about by Typhoon Frank should never be allowed to happen again...I have been pushing for the comprehensive drainage plan for the City of Iloilo
I couldn't forget what transpired last year for almost a week of Typhoon Frank...the images of death and destruction...and the unity of the Ilonggos to be resilient to rise up from the the picture, we are awaiting the start of the program of the 1st year commemoration of Typhoon Frank that hit Iloilo City
June 17, 2009
Independence is defined by Microsoft Thesaurus as autonomy, freedom, liberty and self reliance. Last June 12, the whole country celebrated its 111th year anniversary of the declaration of Philippine Independence. There were a number of celebrations by the government units and even private establishments. I just hope that the youth would value the independence that we have.
Independence was hard fought by the previous Filipino generations who wanted to have self rule and decision making for the good of our country. They fought through diplomatic means and even with arms. Independence was quite elusive and it took decades for them to achieve it but they never gave up.
The youth were born with independence already achieved. Some are not familiar with how hard it was to get. Some of us even do not value it that much because it is such a given. It is like being given allowance by our parents that we might not know the value of money that much that we can spend it quickly. This is unlike having hard earned money that we make wise decisions and where to allot the money we have. Thus, it would be great for us to know our past so that we could appreciate our present and better prepare for our future.
Para sa kauswagan sang Syudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.