18th NewsExpess Article
1:03 AM at 1:03 AM Filed under: Author:
by LEX Tupas
Dream Career
Palapit na maggraduar ang mga manugtapus sa secondarkya kag sa kolehiyo. Tini-on na ini nga pagasturyahan kung anu bala ang planu nga kuwaun nga kurso o karera sa kabuhi. Importante ang mayu nga pag-analisar, pagplanu kag pag-ubra sang mayu nga desisyon kay amu na ini ang umpisa sang atun nga puturo.
When I was much younger, my dream was to become a pilot. Maybe because I enjoyed traveling, meeting new people, learning new languages and cultures and I enjoyed the idea of being responsible for the lives of the passengers during the time of flight. There was also the idea of having a good sense of direction since the pilot will be traveling miles and miles above the skies. I was 3 years old then. The dream of becoming a pilot never materialized. Along the way, I discovered that I had a different dream career and maybe because there were a lot of factors that hindered me to become a pilot. I have astigmatism and it’s very expensive to go to aeronautic school. Aside from that, I have realized that I would like to be a man for others and I have found this in public service.
In terms of my course in college, I finished AB Economics in Ateneo De Manila University. I’m glad that I took that course so that I could get a new learning and develop new skills. I’m not a math wizard and maybe Economics has helped me understand math in a certain degree and has allowed me to understand the value of Economics in our everyday life.
I chose Economics not because that was what my parents told me to get neither because it was the “in” thing. It was a personal decision that I made because I wanted to focus on an area wherein I wasn’t great with which was math. I also wanted to understand the market, stock market and businesses. Was I able to use learnings from the course I chose? Definitely since I now have a certain level of understanding with how the economic world works and I also became a professor of Economics. Some people ask me, why I didn’t get a course which would have been much appropriate to my field of interest like Journalism and Political Science. Well, I love challenges and I always challenge myself to go for the road less traveled because I believe it makes one grow and it makes one stronger. Although, at present, since I would like to focus on so called strengths, I took and am still taking further studies in Public Management.
I believe that each of us is given opportunities to make good decisions that are life changing. We should be responsible and accountable for our actions such that we should always put in mind that we are the ultimate decision makers of our lives. Our family and friends are there to suggest but it will always be up to us. I believe that there are no wrong decisions made but maybe untimely and unfit ones. Thus, it is vital that we make well informed and well thought of decisions that will be most beneficial for our future.
Para sa kauswagan sang Siyudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.
For comments and/or suggestions, email councilorlextupas@yahoo.com. This also serves as the email used in my account in http://www.friendster.com/.
Congratulations to the graduates of 2008. I wish you the best in your chosen endeavor. Do well and continue to make your parents, teachers, school administrators and your community proud.
Dream Career
Palapit na maggraduar ang mga manugtapus sa secondarkya kag sa kolehiyo. Tini-on na ini nga pagasturyahan kung anu bala ang planu nga kuwaun nga kurso o karera sa kabuhi. Importante ang mayu nga pag-analisar, pagplanu kag pag-ubra sang mayu nga desisyon kay amu na ini ang umpisa sang atun nga puturo.
When I was much younger, my dream was to become a pilot. Maybe because I enjoyed traveling, meeting new people, learning new languages and cultures and I enjoyed the idea of being responsible for the lives of the passengers during the time of flight. There was also the idea of having a good sense of direction since the pilot will be traveling miles and miles above the skies. I was 3 years old then. The dream of becoming a pilot never materialized. Along the way, I discovered that I had a different dream career and maybe because there were a lot of factors that hindered me to become a pilot. I have astigmatism and it’s very expensive to go to aeronautic school. Aside from that, I have realized that I would like to be a man for others and I have found this in public service.
In terms of my course in college, I finished AB Economics in Ateneo De Manila University. I’m glad that I took that course so that I could get a new learning and develop new skills. I’m not a math wizard and maybe Economics has helped me understand math in a certain degree and has allowed me to understand the value of Economics in our everyday life.
I chose Economics not because that was what my parents told me to get neither because it was the “in” thing. It was a personal decision that I made because I wanted to focus on an area wherein I wasn’t great with which was math. I also wanted to understand the market, stock market and businesses. Was I able to use learnings from the course I chose? Definitely since I now have a certain level of understanding with how the economic world works and I also became a professor of Economics. Some people ask me, why I didn’t get a course which would have been much appropriate to my field of interest like Journalism and Political Science. Well, I love challenges and I always challenge myself to go for the road less traveled because I believe it makes one grow and it makes one stronger. Although, at present, since I would like to focus on so called strengths, I took and am still taking further studies in Public Management.
I believe that each of us is given opportunities to make good decisions that are life changing. We should be responsible and accountable for our actions such that we should always put in mind that we are the ultimate decision makers of our lives. Our family and friends are there to suggest but it will always be up to us. I believe that there are no wrong decisions made but maybe untimely and unfit ones. Thus, it is vital that we make well informed and well thought of decisions that will be most beneficial for our future.
Para sa kauswagan sang Siyudad sang Iloilo, UGYON Kabataang Ilonggo, UGYON Iloilo. Ilonggos are worth working and fighting for.
For comments and/or suggestions, email councilorlextupas@yahoo.com. This also serves as the email used in my account in http://www.friendster.com/.
Congratulations to the graduates of 2008. I wish you the best in your chosen endeavor. Do well and continue to make your parents, teachers, school administrators and your community proud.

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